Welcome to another SPED Tutorial,

Let’s take a look at Invoices.

As always, let’s start on our dashboard, select the shipments dropdown menu, select Invoices.
This will take you to the Invoices List page.


Here we have the following columns:

Checkbox- this allows you to select multiple Invoices for export or printing.
Date- which is the date the Invoice was generated
Company Name- If you have multiple company’s under one account this would be useful.
Invoice Number
Value before Vat and after VAT
Invoice comments
The Period of the Invoice,
Received status, which Indicates if the Invoice was fully paid
Status, which can be either Issued, Paid or Canceled.
Days to Maturity- Indicates how many days are left before the Invoice become Overdue. A negative figure in this column means this Invoice is past due.
Lastly, the view button.

Let us view an Invoice.
Selecting the view button next to an Invoice, takes you to the Invoice Summary page.
From her you can

1. Return to the Invoice List Page,

2. Print out your Invoice

3. Email the Invoice

4. See the shipments applicable for this Invoice

5. Download an Excel Copy of the shipments applicable to this Invoice


If whilst viewing shipments applicable for an Invoice, you wish to review the charges applied to the shipment, you can select the tracking number link, then view the price details by selecting details next to the price.

You can return to the Invoice by selecting the Invoice link.