Faster Shipping Options

In the event that you may wish to have a delivery expedited, SPED offers the following options.

Next Day Guaranteed:-

SPED Guarantees that it will dispatch these shipments on the next business day after the package has been collected.
To book a Next Day Guaranteed shipment change the shipment type to Next Day Guaranteed.


Same Day:-
Same Day deliveries allows for Collection and Delivery on the same day. SAME DAY SHIPMENTS HAVE A CUT-OFF TIME WHICH WOULD BE VISIBLE ON THE ORDER SUMMARY PAGE.
If the cut-off time has elapsed for the day and you're interested in still having a same day shipment completed, call our support numbers to verify the possibility of having it completed..

To book a Same Day delivery, change the shipment type to Same Day.


Tip: Same Day shipments can be booked in advance. Eg. Same Day needs to be completed on Friday but can be booked any day before.